I am grateful to have time for sharing this wealth of Wellness!
The Question!
Of course I have to give some backstory and the question. It all started backin elementary school. There was the theme were the teachers felt they needed to make us think.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
That is the question, only now it’s what did you want to be when you grew up? Past-tense because if you are reading this, more than likely you are a grown up.
Can you honestly answer that question and be truthful about what you think of that ‘Occupation’ now. Did you become that? Why or why not!
I’m guessing that is a definite NO! And why? That is the real question.
A Quack! Me/You/We became a quack… At least one of us will admit the truth. Going insane doing the same thing over and over and over again!
Why did you not pursue that thing that you wanted to be so much as a child!
Life happened, but it was supposed to happen the way you dreamed it up. Yeah right! I wanted to be an Olympic Athlete, and I got lost in the motivational coaching and reality of peer-pressure, on top of my own self sabotage.
Who did I think I was to be an Olympic Athlete? I could have done it. If I only had believed that I was actually going that route. It some point in high school, I woke up and had no clear idea of what I wanted to do after I got the diploma.
I ended up listening to the principal and he told me I should go to college even if I didn’t know what I was going to learn how to be, in this case area of study. (My Major)
Apparently, I could have taken that literally. My Major. At the end of this current educational phase for me, I will learn the Majors and minors of Audio Science. I just finished Music Theory in the previous module, and I got an ‘A’. That is a Major success, in a minor sort of way. There is so much more to Audio Production and making beats than meets the ears, or I…
So, what a heck of a back story. Any way, if you answer the Q? It will guide you to the next step in my series of tasks, known as the Me Operate Dinner Tables process. (a.k.a. Culinarian Fitness Series)
Hopefully that clarified the Q? and prepares you for the next task.
Much love and appreciation for listening.
SupHerbly Alive,
Apostle Lanita GuarDinner
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